Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015

Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Meeting Held November 18, 2015
A regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas was held on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas.

Call to Order:  The public meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm
Prayer: Given by Janet Sloane
Declaring a Quorum:  A quorum was declared.  The committee members present were Arlene Joice, Janet Sloane, Dale Calvin, Patrick Coyle, and Kristi Staples.  Also present were Commissioner Phyllis James, Park Officer Chris True, and Carol Nichols with LRRETA, as well as many others in association with parks, horses and trails.
Brian Daniels, Greg Waller, Chuck Manning, Cathy Erickson, Vic Fraser, John Rutan, Jack Lover, Jamie Urvs, Bridget, Anna Diggs, Michelle Smith, Sean Smith, Jennifer Erwin, Linda Moore, Jennifer Williams, Leigha Frithe, Jackie Harmon Reese, and Michelle Maxwell Ellis.
Approval of Minutes:  October minutes tabled until November meeting.

Roundtable Discussion
Com. James- We have to look at our assets, what do we have that others will want to use and utilize.
How do we build on the idea that horses and Lake Texoma are a part of Ray Roberts.
Chris True- Trails are the #1 facility requested by the public.
Lots of talk about what our part could be in starting a lake trail for hiking, horseback riding, and mountain biking.  Who owns the property, whose permission and backing do we need, and leasing of the land from whom.  Discussion about current use of lakefront and potential future use.  Discussion about maintenance of trails and parks and their daily usage.
Mr. True said that a municipality will want reassurance that a political entity will support us and take responsibility for safety.
Need some grant writers for funding, funds are available out there.
Members of other successful organizations gave helpful insight into the workings of a trail park.
As we are thinking about the future for funding and planning, we need to look at a multi-use facility and the issues associated with that.
Most likely best suited for a low density trail facility where there are not a lot of hard facilities like picknicking, rest rooms, and camping.
Grayson County does not currently have a master plan for thoroughfares in place.
Lots of excitement in the room, lots of potential for future growth.

Next meeting December 16, 2015 at 7 pm
Dale Calvin makes a motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm. Janet seconds, passes all ayes.


Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas will be held November 18, 2015 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas, beginning at 7:00 p.m.. This is an OPEN MEETING, open to the public, subject to the OPEN MEETING LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS and, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, is hereby posted at the Tioga City Hall on November 13, 2015, giving notice of date, time, place and agenda thereof.

1. Call to order.
2. Prayer
3. Declaring of a quorum.
4. Discuss and consider minutes of October 28, 2015.
5. Roundtable discussion with P&Z members and attending guests concerning suggestions for preparing for the growth we are experiencing as a community. Discuss Citizen survey and solicit input for Tioga's future projects.
6. Open discussion and planning for future meetings. 
7. Adjourn

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