Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 28, 2015

Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Meeting Held October 28, 2015

A regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas was held on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas.

Call to Order:  The Public meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

Prayer:  Given by Janet Sloane

Declaring a Quorum:  A quorum was declared. The committee members present were Arlene Joice, Janet Sloane, Dale Cavin, Patrick Coyle, and Kristi Staples.  Also present were guests James Hilliard, Bennie McKnight, Britt Mayo, Angie Kendrick, and Gretchen Coyle.

Public Hearing:

Tonight’s meeting included a public hearing on a request for a zoning change from C-3 to a C-2 at 103 and 105 Ray Roberts Parkway by James Hilliard.

James Hilliard spoke first on what he felt were the benefits and advantages of the zoning change.  He informed the committee that the plans for the two lots was for future placement of a car lot that would have about 15 - 20 cars.  He said that this was not part of the downtown and that it faced the 377 Thoroughfare. He also brought pictures of old Tioga as a “historical” reference stating that the downtown area did once have gas and motor services through Woodall (oil and gas) many years ago.

Next to speak was Britt Mayo, a community member.  He stated that based on the reputation of Clark’s (also James Hilliard) that he did not see any issue with the zoning being changed.  He felt that Clark’s was a loyal supporter of the community and that they paid their taxes and kept things clean, so would probably do the same with whatever else they opened.

Next to speak was Bennie McKnight, he would actually be running and maintaining the car lot. He is a resident of Tioga at 600 Gene Autry.  He is from Tioga, this is his home. He was an automobile dealer in Dallas for 53 years and maintained a business there without problem. Mr. McKnight claims that within the first year there will be a business (in his dealership) that Tioga can be supportive of . He plans in the future to expand by purchasing the lot next to the lots requesting zoning change.

Dale Cavin asked if Mr. McKnight would be doing repairs at the lot?

Mr. McKnight said that there were plans to build or add on a place where repairs will be done inside a shop.  The plans were to be doing small repair work at a later date.

He assured the committee that the lot would be well maintained and would be landscaped well to add aesthetic appeal and that all repairs would be done inside the shop not out in the open.

Last to speak was community member Angie Kendrick. Her question was “Will this continue to be a storage facility?”  She said from all that she could see, there was no car lot there but instead a storage facility for machinery.  She said that this raised concern in her mind about an increase in theft and other related crime. She also was concerned about a decrease in property value. She did not have a problem with a car lot being there but was mostly concerned about it’s appearance from her home, which was in full view of the business, and about noise and movement.

Argument for zone change was that the property serves toward 377 not towards the Historic District.

Planning and Zoning Commission’s stance was that the zoning remain as it is. Our concern about letting the lot go to C-2 was for future use after this.  Also, we did not feel that a car lot added to the historic or traditional charm of our town at a potentially critical entry point into our downtown area.

Adjourn:  Public Hearing was closed at 7:38 p.m.

Open: Regular Business Meeting was opened at 7:39 p.m.

Quorum: Quorum declared. Arlene Joice, Janet Sloane, Dale Cavin, Patrick Coyle, and Kristi Staples

Discuss and Consider a request for zoning change:

Janet Sloane: not for change of zoning

Dale Cavin: Suggested a Special Use Permit to accommodate instead of changing zoning completely and leaving us the ability to revoke.

Patrick Coyle: Does not like the feel of a car lot being at the entry point of Tioga.  He would like to carry a feel of what Tioga is out to the public road. He feels that if what we envision as a look and theme for Tioga and the downtown area is not carried out to the road then the downtown area and the heart of the town will become isolated. We have 377 as a critical entry into Tioga, with a bridge separating us from Pilot Point, leaving us the ability to be different and make Tioga its own.  He feels that at this point it would be a mistake to give that away.

Kristi Staples: not for change of zoning

Donna Carney sent out a letter to the community, no one responded.

Dale Cavin made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council that we keep the lots at 103 and 105 Ray Roberts Pkwy C-3 zoning. Patrick Coyle seconded. Motion carried all ayes.

Our recommendation was on the basis that in order to preserve the integrity of the property , so that we maintain a historical presence all the way to the 377 thoroughfare, we must keep the C-3 zoning. Leaving the lot to be used as a focal point to the entrance of the downtown area.

Approval of Minutes:  Minutes from the September 30, 2015 meeting were reviewed and approved with corrections to be made.  Motion made by Janet Sloane to accept as amended and seconded by Dale Cavin. All ayes.

Discuss Citizen Survey:  The committee looked over the introduction to the survey being sent out to Tioga citizens using Survey Monkey.  We also went through each question to add and delete questions and answer choices trying to refine each one to eliminate as much confusion, overlapping of information, and bias as possible.

We worked and reworked the questions finally agreeing on 10.

The committee decided to advertise now that the survey will be available in January for the whole month to get resident information and survey responses.

Next meeting set for November 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Moved up because of Thanksgiving Holidays.


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing and regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas will be held WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas, beginning at 7:00 p.m. This is an OPEN MEETING, open to the public, subject to the OPEN MEETING LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS and, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, is hereby posted at the Tioga City Hall on October 23, 2015 giving notice of date, time, place and agenda thereof.

1. Call to order.
2. Prayer
3. Declaring of a quorum.
4. Public hearing on a request for a zoning change from C­-3 to a C-2 at 103 and 105 Ray Roberts Parkway by James Hilliard.
5. Adjourn Public Hearing

6. Open Regular Meeting
7. Declaring a quorum
8. Discuss and Consider a request for a zoning change from C­-3 to a C-2  
    at 103 and 105 Ray Roberts Parkway by James Hilliard
9. Discuss and consider minutes of September 30, 2015
10.Discuss Citizen survey and input for Tioga's future projects.
11. Open discussion and planning for future meetings.
12. Adjourn

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