Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 28 Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting Held January 28, 2015

A regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, TX was
held on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street
Tioga, TX.
Call to Order: The public meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Prayer: Given by Janet Sloane
Declaration of a Quorum: A quorum was declared. Committee members present were
Arlene Joice, Janet Sloane, Dale Cavin, and Paula Byler. Kristi Staples was present but
late, arrived before close of Public Hearing and open of Regular Meeting.
Public Hearing: Receive public comment on a request by David Umsted for a specific
use permit to allow a portable building to be used as an office for portable building sales
at 709 N. Ray Roberts Parkway.
David Umsted spoke about building.
Arlene read rules of order and conduct for Public Hearing.
Those in attendance for Public Hearing Arlene Joice, Paula Byler, Janet Sloane, Dale
Cavin, Kristi Staples, Kelly Lintner, Kyle Swanson, Robin Skelton, Leonard Skelton,
Wilma Gorham, Paul Rodimer, Sherry May, Garry Burchett, David Umsted, and Terry
Five people spoke at the hearing. Two spoke for David Umsted’s use of a temporary
(portable) building, one was neutral on the topic and two expressed some concerns.
Adjourn Public Hearing: Public Hearing adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Open Regular Meeting: Regular meeting opened at 7:14 p.m.
All committee members present.
Paula Byler clarified that a Specific Use Permit is given to a specific person for a
specific use. It is not transferable, addressing Wilma Gorhom’s concerns.
Clarification was also made that the Planning and Zoning’s recommendation was on the
building only.
Janet Sloane makes a motion to recommend a Specific Use Permit to David
Umsted to allow a portable building be used as an office for portable building
sales. Agenda item #4. Dale Cavin seconds, motion carries with all ayes.
Discussion: Meeting continued with discussion on the 377 Thoroughfare Plan and
Historic District.
No requirements in current ordinances of what kinds of businesses can go on
commercial property.
Janet shared an interesting and well thought out Powerpoint presentation she is working
on for a future showing to the public of ideas for future growth potential and look of
Tioga. Asked for input from other committee members.
Committee discussed future development of Tioga. What do we want? What do we
want it to look like?
Also discussed our concerns of allowing variance after variance, how it deteriorates our
ordinances and regulations. We have to start adhering to what has already been set as
our guidelines and foundation, changing what no longer works or applies through the
proper channels and in the right way.
We need to establish who we are as a committee and what we stand for, so that we are
not put in a situation where we are making recommendations on things that have
already been decided. In the future as a committee we need to voice concerns and
express our power to disagree with a recommendation if we have questions until
clarifications are made that will allow us to make an informed recommendation.
Adjourn: Paula Byler makes a motion to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Dale Cavin seconds. All
ayes. Meeting adjourned.


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing and regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas will be held Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas, beginning at 7:00 p.m.. This is an OPEN MEETING, open to the public, subject to the OPEN MEETING LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS and, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, is hereby posted at the Tioga City Hall on Janurary 23, 2015, giving notice of date, time, place and agenda thereof.

1. Call to order.
2. Prayer
3. Declaring of a quorum.
4. Public hearing to receive public comment on a request by David Umsted for a specific use permit to allow a portable building to be used as an office for portable building sales at 709 N. Ray Roberts Parkway.
5. Adjourn Public Hearing

6. Open Regular Meeting
7. Declaring a quorum
8. Discuss and Consider a specific use permit to allow a portable building to be used as an office for portable building sales at 709 N. Ray Roberts Parkway
9.  Continue working on a 377 Thoroughfare plan as well as addressing an Historic District plan for Tioga.
10. Adjourn