Thursday, January 25, 2018

January 31, 2018

Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Held January 31, 2018

A regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas was held on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas.

Call to Order: The P&Z regular meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

Prayer: Given by Kristi Staples

Declaring a Quorum: A quorum was declared. The committee members present were Arlene Joice, Kristi Staples, and Dale Cavin. Guest-Nathan Brown.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from January 10, 2018 submitted for discussion and approval. Motion made by Dale Cavin, seconded by Kristi Staples to accept minutes. All ayes, motion carried.

Subdivision Ordinances

Mr. Nathan Brown, local builder from Pilot Point, is purchasing property in Tioga and is requesting the zoning be changed from R1/R2 to R2 to allow for the building of duplexes.

Set date for public hearing as February 28, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Motion made by Kristi Staples, seconded by Dale Cavin. All ayes, motion carries.

Next Meeting: February 28, 2018 7:00 p.m.

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned 7:45 p.m. Motion made by Dale Cavin, seconded by Kristi Staples. Motion carries all ayes.

Notice is given that a REGULAR meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held January 31, 2018 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas, at 7:00 p.m.
These are open meetings, open to the public, subject to the OPEN MEETING LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS and, as required by law, are hereby posted at the Tioga City Hall on January 26, 2018, giving notice of date, time, place, and agenda thereof.
1. Call Planning and Zoning Meeting to Order.
2. Opening prayer
3. Declaring of a quorum.
4. Discuss and consider approving minutes of the last meeting January 10, 2018.
5.           Discuss and consider zoning change for Billy and Kelly Lintner  for 1.656 acres located on Lamar St. Property is presently zoned R1 and R2. Owners would like all the property be zoned R2 to allow the building of  duplexes.
6. Open discussion and setting date for the next meeting.
7. Adjourn Planning and Zoning Meeting

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 10, 2017

Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting Held January 10, 2018

A special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas was held on Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas.

Call to Order: The P&Z special meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.
Prayer: Given by Dale Cavin
Declaring a Quorum: A quorum was declared. The committee members present were Arlene Joice,
Kristi Staples, and Dale Cavin. Guests Nicholas A. Smith and Ashley Higgs and family.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes from December 6, 2017 submitted for discussion and approval. Motion made by Dale Cavin, seconded by Kristi Staples to accept minutes. All ayes, motion carried.

Subdivision Ordinances
Nick Smith, land owner, came before the committee requesting a variance of subdivision regulations regarding a 20 ft. utility easement (Ord. 157, 5.04). He proposed that he could provide a 10' easement and allow a future developer to the east side of the property to provide the other 10 ft.
Dale made a motion that we approve a variance for the 10 ft. wide easement on Nick Smith's property instead of the 20 ft. as stated in the ordinance. Kristi Staples seconded. All ayes. Motion carries.

Ashley Higgs of Texoma Tattoo Company came before the committee to introduce herself and her business. She is considering expanding her business with a location in Tioga.

Next meeting: January 31, 2018 7:00 p.m.
Adjourn: Meeting adjourned 8:03 p.m. Motion made by Kristi Staples, seconded by Dale Cavin. Motion carried all ayes.

Notice is given that a special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held January 10, 2018 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas, at 7:00 p.m.
These are open meetings, open to the public, subject to the OPEN MEETING LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS and, as required by law, are hereby posted at the Tioga City Hall on January 10, 2018, giving notice of date, time, place, and agenda thereof.
1. Call Planning and Zoning Meeting to Order.
2. Opening prayer
3. Declaring of a quorum.
4. Discuss and consider approving minutes of the last meeting December 6, 2017.
5. Discuss and consider a variance to the subdivision regulations requiring a minimum 20’ wide utility easement.(Ord. 157, 5.04). Nick Smith, owner of the property, would like to provide a 10’ easement and allow the future developer of the east side of the property provide the other 10’.
6. Continue review of subdivision ordinances.
7. Open discussion and setting date for the next meeting.
8. Adjourn Planning and Zoning Meeting