Friday, September 21, 2018

September 26, 2018

Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Held September 26, 2018

A regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas was held
on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas.

Call to Order: The P&Z public hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Prayer: Given by Kristi Staples

Declaring a Quorum: A quorum was declared. The committee members present were Arlene Joice,
Kristi Staples, Elliot Townsend, Kim Chimblo and Dale Cavin. Guest Nathan Brown, Chris Donnan (Hayter Eng.),
Dan and Kelly Lintner.

Public Hearing

Public Hearing to request zoning change from R-1 (single family residential) to R-2 (multi-family residential),
at the 700 Block of Lamar Street, made by Nathan Brown.

Nathan Brown made himself available to answer questions by the committee and to any other persons present.
Some questions were answered with reference to drainage around the property.

Pool Ordinance

Committee agreed to keep current recommendation to amend the current ordinance to include a 48 in.
(four foot) fence or barrier or a six foot fence with self latching gates. Six foot option would include and
follow current regulation, four foot option would follow conditions under state regulations. No opposing views.

Public Hearing closed at 7:10

Regular Meeting opened at 7:10

Declaring a Quorum: A quorum was declared. The committee members present were Arlene Joice,
Kristi Staples, Elliot Townsend, Kim Chimblo and Dale Cavin. Guest Nathan Brown, Chris Donnan (Hayter Eng.),
Dan and Kelly Lintner.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from August 29, 2018 submitted for discussion and approval. Motion made by
Elliot Townsend, seconded by Kim Chimblo to accept minutes. All ayes, motion carried.

Discuss and Consider Zoning Change

Nathan Brown, construction company for duplexes being built in Tioga, was present to request a zoning change
on property purchased from Billy Dan and Kelly Lintner. The property joins property he previously purchased
from the Lintners which was already zoned as multi-family for the purpose of building duplexes. Mr. Brown is
requesting a zoning change for the new property from single family to multi-family. Elliot Townsend made a
motion to change the zoning on the property. Kim Chimblo seconded, motion passed all ayes.

Pool Ordinance

Motion to approve amendment to pool ordinance to include 4 foot and 6 foot options, as amended in the
Tioga City Ordinances, made by Dale Cavin, seconded by Elliot Townsend. All ayes, motion carried.  

Plat Submission

Final plat for Kevin Gressett submitted. Discussion by committee on water flow and current and future
issues of location of property with regard to water flow.

Elliot Townsend made a motion to approve final plat with a request that they offer up FEMA study data
for utilization by the city with Hayter’s recommendation for downstream stormwater improvements and
discuss participation in expense of improvements. Seconded by Kristi Staples. All ayes, motion carried.

Detention Requirements

Discussion about current ordinance and possible amendments with regard to detention requirements.

Request that Hayter review feasibility of ISWM or stormwater impact fee in addition to our ordinance to
be discussed at a future meeting.

Next Meeting: October 31, 2018 7:00 p.m.

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned 8:57 p.m. Motion made by Kristi Staples, seconded by Elliot Townsend.
Motion carried all ayes.

Notice is given that a public hearing and regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held September 26 28, 2018 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas, at 7:00 p.m.
These are open meetings, open to the public, subject to the OPEN MEETING LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS and, as required by law, are hereby posted at the Tioga City Hall on September 21, 2018, giving notice of date, time, place, and agenda thereof.
1. Call the public hearing to Order
2. Prayer
3. Declaring of a quorum.
4. Public Hearing on a request by Nathan Brown to change the zoning district  for a lot located in the 700 Block of Lamar Street that is currently  zoned R-1 (single family residential) to R-2 (multi-family residential)  to allow the building of  duplexes. The property for which the zoning change has been requested is part of the property known as G-1142 SAMGRR CO, Acres .748.
5. Public Hearing for an amendment to the current pool ordinance to include a 48 in (four foot) fence or barrier, with conditions following state regulations as cited in the 2003 International Residential Code, as an additional option to the existing six foot fence with self latching gates as outlined in the Tioga City Ordinance under heading 23.8 Swimming Pools.
6. Adjourn public hearing.

1. Call the Planning and Zoning Meeting to Order.
2. Declaring of a quorum.
4. Discuss and consider approving minutes of the last meeting (August 29)
5. Discuss and consider zoning change requested by Nathan Brown to change the zoning district  for a lot located in
the 700 Block of Lamar Street that is currently zoned R-1 (single family residential) to R-2 (multi-family
residential)  to allow the building of  duplexes. The property for which the zoning change has been requested is part of the property known as G-1142 SAMGRR CO, Acres .748.
6. Discuss and consider an amendment to the current pool ordinance to include a 48 in (four foot) fence or barrier, with conditions following state regulations as cited in the 2003 International Residential Code, as an additional option to the existing six foot fence with self latching gates as outlined in the Tioga City Ordinance under heading 23.8 Swimming Pools.
7. Discuss and consider final plat submitted by Kevin Gressett for Shelly Acres Addition (20.983 acres) located at 575 North Florence consisting of 64 lots.
8. Discuss and consider an amendment to add detention requirements to the zoning ordinance. Set a public hearing.
9. Open discussion and setting date for the next meeting.
10. Adjourn Planning and Zoning Meeting