Wednesday, April 24, 2019

May 1st Public Hearing and Special Meeting

Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Held May 1, 2019

A regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Tioga, Texas was held on Monday, May 1, 2019 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas.

Call to Order: The P&Z meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.

Declaring a Quorum: A quorum was declared. The committee members present were Arlene Joice, Kristi Staples, Elliot Townsend, and Kim Chimblo. Guests present; Stuart Baxter, James Sauer, Mavis Sauer, Pam Chapel, Dugan Rainy, Mr. and Mrs. Bridges, and Nick Smith and Steve Moore with Creekside Crossing.

Public Hearing to receive comments on a proposed ordinance amending the city of Tioga Comprehensive zoning ordinance (No. 259) by changing the zoning on a 70.422 acres tract of land located generally at the corner of FM 922 and Texas Street and designating the property as a planned development zoning district.

Comments by long standing resident, James Sauer: Strongly against development at this time. Worried a bigger developer could purchase and expand development quicker than currently planned. Concerned about run-off onto his property, inadequacy of current water lines, and that the quality will be lacking in many ways whether with lot size or development layout if we move too fast.

Stuart Baxter: Against development at this time. Concerned about traffic issues that will be created by the development. Also does not completely understand the commercial zoning and patio homes in the planning and would like to see it down to 150 homes planned instead of 300.
Mavis Sauer: Property owner, has been involved with the land agriculturally for 48 years. Property has long standing renters, Mr. and Mrs. Bridges. Against the development. Concerned that there are inconsistencies with the legal description and the ordinance. Has worries about the amount of concrete that will be added to the landscape and the effects it will have. Also, has serious concerns about the city’s plan to manage a large development when she as one person has had many issues getting city compliance and aide in the past.

Pam Chapel: Tioga resident. Against the development. Is very concerned about the lack of value smaller homes and many homes will bring to the area. Concerned about added traffic and congestion. Against growth at all, but definitely against fast growth.

Dugan Rainey: Tioga resident. Feels that development is good, but is concerned about traffic safety issues and increased flooding issues. Their are some safety concerns that he would like to have clarified and have some certainty about before building begins.

Nick Smith and Steve Moore addressed concerns and issues of those present. They stated that lots will be bigger than those specified in the ordinance as the smallest lot size allowed and that there will be safety at the forefront when considering entrances and exits and traffic safety issues. That road conditions themselves should increase and that the water and sewer lines they are installing could help improve the current lines used by the surrounding land owners. They have consulted with an engineer on all runoff and water drainage issues and do not foresee compounded problems. They offer their availability to answer questions or address concerns. It is their plan and intent to improve Tioga as a city and build a quality product.

Public Hearing closed at 7:28 p.m.

Regular Meeting Opened at 7:28 p.m.

Prayer: Given by Kristi Staples

Approval of Minutes: Minutes for March meeting tabled until May 29, 2019 meeting.

Discuss and Consider

Elliot Townsend commented on the commonness of putting a buffer between higher and lower density areas with varied housing plans and that we have also asked many questions with concerns to drainage and traffic.

Townsend offered as a committee we could recommend to the city that a traffic impact analysis be done. As a committee we also agree that the city should make serious considerations with regard to water and sewer issues.

Elliot Townsend makes a motion to approve the Planned Development with a recommendation that a traffic impact analysis be done and detention be designed to account for all storm events to predeveloped conditions. This recommendation comes as support from the committee to address concerns voiced by residents with adjacent and adjoining properties. Kim Chimblo seconds, all ayes, motion carries.

Planned Development is a zoning issue for this meeting, there are many other steps to follow. Our discussion is limited to zoning which pertains to density.

Next Meeting: Next meeting scheduled for May 29, 2019 at 7:00 pm

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned 7:45 p.m. Motion made by Elliot Townsend, seconded by Kim Chimblo. Motion carried all ayes.

Notice is given that a public hearing and special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held Monday, May 1, 2019 at Tioga City Hall, 600 Main Street, Tioga, Texas, at 7:00 p.m.
This is an Open Meeting, open to the public, subject to the OPEN MEETING LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS and, as required by law, is hereby posted at the Tioga City Hall on April 26, 2019, giving notice of date, time, place, and agenda thereof.
Public Hearing Agenda:
1. Call the Planning and Zoning Meeting to Order.
2. Declaring of a quorum.
3. Public hearing to receive comments on a proposed ordinance amending the city of Tioga comprehensive zoning ordinance (No. 259) by changing the zoning on a 70.422 acres tract of land located generally at the corner of FM 922 and Texas street and designating the property as a planned development (PD) zoning district.
4. Close Public Hearing

Special Meeting:
5. Open Special Meeting 
6. Prayer 
7. Discuss and consider approving minutes of the last meeting. Possible Action. 
8. Discuss and consider approving a resolution recommending the approval of an Ordinance amending the City ofTioga Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (No. 259) by changing the zoning on a 70.422 acres tract of land located generally at the corner of FM 922 and Texas Street and designating the property as a Planned Development (PD) zoning district. Possible Action.
9. Open discussion and setting date for the next meeting. Possible Action.
10. Adjourn Planning and Zoning Meeting.

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